Frequently Asked Questions

We love to spread the knowledge. Please feel free to reach out with any and all of your questions!

What is a subluxation?

Our system is designed to self-regulate through communication between the brain and body. A subluxation is an interference in the nervous system’s communication with the body.

The brain is like the control center, sending and receiving messages to and from the body through the nervous system. This communication is vital for every single organ in the body. This is a fact.

Another fact about the body is that we have what’s called a “limitation of matter”. Basically, sometimes it can be harder to simply “bounce back” from stressors.

Stress that goes unaddressed can result in what is called a “subluxation”. These are caused by physical, chemical, and emotional stressors to which our body cannot adapt.

We want our bodies to function in harmony and connection to its natural rhythm. Subluxations interrupt the communication required to maintain our natural rhythm.

Chiropractic is a magnificent tool to help clear the nervous system of these interferences.

How does chiropractic help?

After taking a thorough and detailed health history and performing a musculoskeletal and neurological exam to inform your specific care, we will begin to address some of the tension patterns in your body. One thing about being human is that we all experience stress of some sort--whether that be emotional, chemical, or physical. In chiropractic we refer to these as “thoughts, toxins, and traumas”.

Myoho Chiropractic prides itself in taking into account the larger picture of what could be causing imbalance in the nervous system as opposed to chasing symptoms. We do not offer to diagnose, cure, or treat any symptoms or disease. Our role is to analyze, identify, and facilitate the release of subluxation patterns in the body which may cause tension in the nervous system, thus altering its function.

Studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments have an effect on the areas of the brain which respond to pain. So while chiropractic care may result in less pain and inflammation in the body, our larger goal is to help your brain (and body) more effectively adapt to and integrate life.

Will adjustments make a “cracking” sound?

The “crack” (technically known as a “cavitation”) which you sometimes hear during a chiropractic adjustment is simply the escape of gas from between the joints of the skeletal system. It does not mean that a correction has been made, and does not necessarily indicate a positive or negative change. Myoho Chiropractic care is made up of a wide array of tools. Some of these tools result in a sound being made, while others exhibit indicators of release such as a deep breath. Our job is to get to know your body in a manner where the right tool is used at the right time. We take a trauma-informed approach to care and our goal is not to “crack your back” but to facilitate the optimal alignment of your nervous system!

“Small things matter. What may look like a small act of courage is courage nevertheless. The important thing is to be willing to take a step forward.”
Daisaku Ikeda