Hope is on the horizon

Chiropractic is a tool to help your body efficiently integrate and adapt to stress. Let us help you thrive.

Oakland Chiropractor

Return. Restore. Revive.


Our bodies are designed to adapt to stress. We have a system of communication called the nervous system which informs the cells of our body on what to do- without us even having to think about it! This incredible network is built to communicate, orchestrate and maintain harmony in our bodies—even amidst stressors.

When there is disharmony, we often experience discomfort, tension, pain, or even a general lessening in our quality of life. Known in chiropractic as “dis-ease”, these symptoms are often how our body communicates to us that something is wrong.

While acknowledging symptoms of dis-ease can be uncomfortable, we are curious about the cause and seek to reunite the body with its natural, intrinsic harmony.

Chiropractic care helps restore optimal communication in the body’s nervous system so that we are connected to our inherent power to heal!


What is ‘


Myo is an Ancient Japanese word which translates into many things. Some of them include the following: To open, to revive, wonderful, “fully endowed”, the spark of a flame to a dry field, to rejuvenate. Myo-ho together, in Buddhism, refers to the Mystic Law of Cause and Effect which, similar to gravity, is a universal law of life. The concept of Cause and Effect is also foundational in chiropractic’s philosophical principles.

Myoho Chiropractic is quality, subluxation-based chiropractic care based on this principle.


“Dr. Abby changed my perspective on self-care and the field of Chiropractic medicine. I have been going to see a chiropractor off and on my whole life, and I always believed it to be a temporary fix and a way to relieve symptoms for my frequent muscle spasms. I suffer from Scoliosis, muscles spasms, flat feet, and trauma from broken ribs.

This journey with Dr. Abby has taken me from just pain relief to building a foundation of strength, home exercises, and personal awareness of my body. I am noticeably healthier, have better posture and have been muscle spasm free for quite a while. Dr. Abby was also able to work with me in creating arches in my feet—something I thought was previously impossible. From head to toe she adjusts everything. The ambiance in her office is great, always warm and inviting. She genuinely cares about the health and wellbeing of her clients.”

— Daniel B.

(See bottom of About page for more patient testimonials)

It’s time to thrive.

Healing is an inside job. Start your journey today.